How do existing options miss the mark?

Personal finance is one of those things that's both familiar and foreign to each and every one of us. On one hand, we know we should be more responsible when it comes to our money. On the other hand, the first question that usually prevents us from going deep into the rabbit hole is "how do I even get started?"

We learn about it through the triumphs and failures of other people. We learn about saving from our parents; investment from our friends or social media; and the pitfalls of not being responsible from the downfall of others.

Often times, our attempt to learn more about personal finance — how it's done, how it's measured, and how to stay on track — is purely an individual exercise.

  • How much am I spending vs my income?
  • Am I still above water or am I, unbeknownst to myself, in deep sh*t?
  • What is the best way for me to still be doing this 5 years from now?

This is the reason why many existing budgeting or goal tracking apps started out and remain, to this day, an app for individuals. They cater to one person's psyche, behaviors, and motivations. And although there are attempts to include a person's partner in the equation down the line, to many, the effort seems like an afterthought.

@thedialtone from Reddit says

We don't have any major spending issues, and my partner wants something low effort or she won't feel like she can engage with it, so YNAB ended up not being quite right for us

What gets lost in the equation is that when you’re looking at more than one person collectively, one has to take consideration of how individual motivators and blockers can fit with each other. They will have different pain points as individuals and as a couple.

According to electrical_ant_69,

My husband and I have like 10 accounts between us with a credit union, and they disconnect all the time, for weeks at a time. I can't reconnect them AGAIN and re-categorize the whole year's worth of transactions AGAIN. I too am at the end of my patience. Love everything else about Monarch but it's useless to me almost all the time because of rarely connecting properly.

These pain points highlight some of the barriers that prevent couples from fully engaging with existing couple budgeting or shared finance options.

TackWallet is a personal finance app meticulously designed with couples and partners in mind. It offers a unique, tailored experience that addresses the specific financial challenges couples face. Unlike other apps, which often come with steep learning curves, privacy concerns, or complex setups, TackWallet provides a solution that is simple, intuitive, and built to foster collaboration without the usual frustrations.

TackWallet was designed to be "couples-centric"

With so many things often lost in translation, we understand that in order to cater to partners with different beliefs on spending and saving, TackWallet needs to help partners understand each other through common language.

Ultimately, partners and couples just want to attain their goals and understand each other’s individualistic nature more along the way.

Juan, TackWallet beta user

Here are some features that resonate with this sentiment.

  • Unified Financial Overview: TackWallet provides a shared dashboard that offers a transparent view of finances, addressing the issue of synchronization struggles found in other apps. This ensures both partners are always on the same page, reducing the chances of miscommunication and financial errors.
  • Supporting Joint and Individual Financial Goals: The app recognizes that couples often have both shared and individual goals. TackWallet allows for seamless goal setting and tracking, ensuring that both partners can work toward their aspirations without compromising their individuality.
  • Privacy at point of upload: TackWallet gives couples the flexibility to manage their finances without compromising privacy. Because each person operate at different paces when it comes to openness to transparency, partners can choose which set of transactions to upload and share, allowing them to keep certain purchases private while still collaborating on shared expenses. This ensures that each partner retains control over their financial information, fostering trust while respecting personal boundaries.

Tackwallet celebrates the challenges that partners and couples may encounter together

  • Shared Financial Progress: Track progress toward joint goals with milestones that celebrate achievements as a couple. TackWallet keeps both partners motivated and engaged by showing how their combined efforts lead to tangible results
  • Goal Setting and Tracking Tools: TackWallet’s goal-setting features allow couples to set and track financial goals together, from saving for a down payment to paying off debt. The app celebrates achievements along the way, keeping both partners motivated and engaged

Tackwallet is a simple solution that refocuses shared personal finances on what matters— you and your partner

Tackwallet isn’t trying to be everything you need in a personal finance app. It can’t and won’t connect to 1000+ different banks. It also doesn’t provide all the bells and whistles, and the most cutting edge features.

  • Unique Workflow: Unlike other apps that require significant manual input, TackWallet’s workflow is developed around the needs of couples, ensuring that every step—from account setup to financial tracking—is streamlined and accessible, even for those who prefer a more hands-off approach. The goal is for the effort to end with uploading your CSV. Tackwallet does the rest.
  • Seamless Joint and Individual Account Management: TackWallet allows couples to manage both joint and individual accounts effortlessly. The easy toggling between accounts ensures that each partner can stay on top of their finances without the synchronization issues seen in other apps.

TackWallet is more than just a finance app; it’s a relationship tool designed to make financial management a collaborative, transparent, and stress-free experience. By addressing the common pain points of existing and/or DIY budgeting apps, TackWallet empowers couples to stay on top of their finances together, strengthening their bond in the process.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Managing finances as a couple shouldn’t be stressful. TackWallet makes it simple, clear, and collaborative. Join the beta test today and start turning your shared financial dreams into reality.

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